About the Site

 The main focus of this blog is to spread knowledge

Linux and Open Source Technologies.

Microsoft Window – Internet Information Services (IIS).


What is the difference between Linux and Windows hosting?

Linux and Windows are two different types of operating systems. Linux is more secure and more efficient than Windows. Linux also has more of the features web designers expect, so unless you have websites which need specific Windows applications, Linux is the preferred choice.

Windows applications which require a Windows server:

MS Access
Visual Basic development
Remote Desktop (dedicated servers only)

One other difference is that Linux files are case-sensitive and Windows files are not.


On a Linux server, home.html and Home.html are different names.

On a Windows server, home.html, Home.html, and HOME.HTML are the same name.

Get in touch

If you have any questions, tips, or recommendations, be sure to contact me. Thanks!

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